Digital Compliance and Maintenance management for small and medium size companies.
Reddibo’s features
Reddibo’s core benefit is that it puts all of your compliance and maintenance management information in one place, with an affordable system tailored specifically to your industry. Our aim is to help organisations maintain continuity with its information and documentation over various generations of directors, employees and other stakeholders.
“The right information for the right person at the right time for the right decision”
Our tools
Reddibo has a vast range of tools that can be turned on and off, or hidden, to suit your needs. These facilitate the structuring, storing and classification of your documents in a secure and systematic way. These are unique apps especially designed for your industry or your company’s needs.
Data security
Reddibo is a cloud service running on Microsoft's Azure platform. Security and accessibility are thus among the best available in the cloud. Reddibo offers a comprehensive regulatory compliance, including compliance with the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
The Reddibo service is password protected. The information you enter in Reddibo can only be seen by those users who have permission to view the information.
Ready to move online?
We can have you set up with this affordable system within days. Reach out to us for more information on how we can help you digitise your management information including compliance and environement standards.